Digital Art
SnakeLadder Fest
Branding Identity (2021)
The goal of this project was to design a Branding Identity for a Music Festival. SnakeLadder Fest is a fictional Children’s Music Festival that will be held in Medellin, Colombia. I created a logo, poster, advertisements and wristband in a consistent style that would appeal to the target audience as well as reflect the culture of Medellin.

The Space Between
Movie Poster (2019)
This is a poster for an imaginary psychological thriller called EGO. The design reflects the themes of ego and shadow, as well as, portrays the egotistical nature of egomaniacs. the themes of ego and shadow, as well as, portrays the egotistical nature of egomaniacs. The challenge of this project was to implement principles of art and design.
Rotoscope Animation (2021)
Photoshop, Adobe Animate, After Effects
This animation was done as part of the Sir Corv Twitch Stream. The goal was to capture the eerie play of shadows at night.
Book Trailer (2019)
After Effects
This animation is based on the novel Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson. The goal of this project was to create a short trailer for a book of choice. It features key themes and characters relevant to the plot and visually portrays the style of the novel.